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Google Website Optimizer for Beginners

Google Website Optimizer for Beginners

A Marketing article written by Lynne Newbury

Most businesses are looking at how to increase their conversion rates on their website. Now changing headlines, images and other elements on your pages and praying it works isn’t going to get you very far.

You need real data about what is working and what is not. You can now get a free tool that can manage your conversion testing. Leave it Google to provide just the tool. Website Optimizer.

What is Google Website Optimizer?

Google Website Optimizer is a free tool for creating experiments for conversion rate testing. You set up experiments for various elements on your pages then Google randomly serves the different versions of your pages to real visitors who come to your website.

With many advantages to this method of testing over other sites that test your pages with people who may or may not fall into your target market, Google Optimizer lets you know that the people who are participating in these tests are your target market (or your target audience).

A/B Testing vs Multivariate Testing?

Website Optimizer allows for both A/B testing and multivariate testing. With an A/B test, you test two versions of the same page. This is a great option if you want to test two completely different designs or layouts.