Website Management
A successful component of all Online Marketing projects which is often neglected is the process for ongoing Website Management
- Who does what and when?
- Who is in charge and of what?
- What is being measured and how is it reported?
Before you start, make sure you have answers to these questions:
Decide who will do what and how?
Who blogs - tweets - comments - writes articles or publishes them? What's your social media policy and what software will be used? What account will be used for emails from bloggers? and How do you plan to record link prospects? How will options be discussed and decisions reached? What responsibility does each department take in your decision making process?
Often your online strategy is breaking new ground internally. Isn't the website a technology issue? But surely your marketing department will oversee content and communication with the wider web world. Is blogging the PR department's brief or the marketing department's? If these issues aren't sorted out early then your online marketing project can be impacted.
Can you can make rapid changes to your website?
Sounds simple enough - right? But to get a blog post live or a new page published you have to write it, get it approved and then publish it on your site. This process can take a week and by then it's too late to be worth publishing at all!
Decide what metrics to use
Work out what is important to your business. What are your KPIs? Bounce rate, pages read, time on site per visitor, inbound link traffic, SERP ranking, feed subscriptions, sales or form registrations? Do you also like to count links containing specific target keywords in their link text or what keywords are used to find you? Metrics are there to help you so concentrate on how you do things and your results will be more than good luck.
Choose your monitoring tools.
Software like Google Analytics, and Google Webmaster Tools provide a wealth of information and they are FREE.