Blogged Down – Why do we Blog?
A Marketing article written by Elle Meech
Staring at a blank sheet of paper or scrolling through hundreds of different blogs and news articles trying to come up with an amazing idea to capture an audience can be a tough ask. So why do we do it?
There are many different reasons people blog, both personal and professional, including benefits such as SEO, internet marketing and even for that five minutes of fame.
Personal Blogs
Many people blog in their spare time for different reasons, as a hobby to share their thoughts on certain subjects with their friends and the world, that may include:
- an interest in a certain topic – such as rare insects that live on top of mount Kilimanjaro
- an unhealthy obsession with Keith Urban
- a love of food and sharing recipes
- sharing your personal views on a movie or television show
Professional Blogs
Many people make a career out of professional blogging and can become extremely successful or famous (just look at Perez Hilton). Popular professional blogging subjects may include:
- Technology blogs are one of the popular subjects for bloggers – a great way to suss out the latest phone or operating system.
- Marketing blogs allow people to come up with some great ideas to promote your business.
- Celebrity blogging is almost an art, getting the latest gossip or access to stars can bring you fame in your own right.
- Lifestyle/cooking blogs are still as successful as ever. With TV shows such as The Block and MKR, people are increasingly looking to become the best home cook or DIY husband in the country.
Why are Blogs so Important?
Blogs, especially free ones are extremely important in this day and age. The average consumer will spend a lot of time looking at subjects on the Internet not only because the majority of information is free, but it's convenient.
Giving the audience information they desire will keep them coming back to your site again and again. What is that old saying? Leave them wanting more. Not only does regular blogging create a want for your next instalment but it can also promote you as a reliable and knowledgeable source that consumers want to buy from.
The Advantages for Businesses
So what is the advantage for a business in blogging? There is more than one! You may think, 'I'm far too busy to spend my spare time writing garbage.' That may be the case, however, no matter how busy you are, blogs are certainty not garbage. If you don't have the time to do this yourself there are companies who have dedicated copywriters (such as myself) who will assist you.
Blogs can give you exposure to people who might not have landed on your page directly, by adding blogs to directories or social media such as Tweeting your blog. Writing about subjects close to your business can increase your SEO (search engine ranking), driving people straight from Google onto your site.
I'm Sold! But Writing is not for me
Blogging is nothing like those tedious days you spent at school writing essay after essay on subjects you didn't much care for. Blogging allows you to lose yourself in the subject you love the most and to share your views with the world, which can be a massive reward in itself.
The rewards keep on coming with businesses being driven to your site and the power of sharing allows you to reach every corner of your target audience and beyond. So don't be afraid to give it a go, or allow someone to do it for you (there's no shame in that). The benefits will be worth the effort.